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MEPS Speakers: Things you should know

We’re excited to have you as a speaker at our event! Please review these instructions if you plan to use a PowerPoint presentation during your session. We’ve included specific guidelines to ensure your session is optimized for live and virtual audiences. If you have any special requirements, please let us know. Your prompt response will help us ensure a smooth and professional experience. Thank you!


Additional Notes:

  1. File Upload Limits: Ensure that each file uploaded does not exceed 50MB. If larger files need to be submitted, please contact Ethan Touch

  2. Deadlines for Submission:

    1. Headshot & Bio: One Week from receiving this request form.

    2. If applicable, PPT Presentation: November 25, 2024.

  3. Need Help? If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Ethan Touch





Presentation (PPT):

  • Format/Instructions: Upload your presentation file with the following specifications:

    • Format: PPT or PPTX (PowerPoint)

    • Font Type: Use sans-serif fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or Helvetica for readability.

    • Font Size:

      • Titles: 32-44 pt

      • Main text: 24-32 pt

      • Subtext: 18-24 pt

    • Slide Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (widescreen) format for better compatibility with modern displays and Zoom.

    • Style: Keep slides clean and uncluttered with a maximum of 5-7 bullet points per slide. Use high-contrast color schemes to ensure readability, especially for virtual attendees.

    • File Size: Keep the total file size under 20MB to ensure smooth upload and sharing. Compress images and videos within the presentation if necessary.

    • Multimedia: Ensure any embedded videos or animations are compatible with both live and Zoom environments. Test the presentation in Zoom beforehand to confirm that all elements function correctly.

    • File Naming Convention: lastname_firstname_presentation.pptx

    • Notes: Avoid overloading slides with text. Use visuals like images, charts, and graphs to enhance engagement. Ensure that all content is appropriate for both in-person and virtual audiences.

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